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Industry Affiliations

United States Hide, Skin & Leather Association
Leather Industries of America
International Council of Hides, Skins & Leather Traders Association
International Council of Tanners
United States Department of Agriculture
| Pacific Coast | Mountain | Southwest | Southeast | Midwest | Northeast |


Pacific Coast Mountain Southwest Southeast Midwest Midwest Midwest Northeast

From the prime quality regions of Central California as far south as Bakersfield, to as far north as Oregon, and into western Nevada, UHC has hide sources from a wide variety of locations spread across the United States.

The majority of US hides are machine pulled, ensuring minimum hide damage during the take-off process. As a further surety that hide quality is maintained between slaughter and processing, UHC have introduced new state-of-the-art short-term and medium-term preservation equipment and techniques at the packers of our strategic suppliers, guaranteeing preservation during transportation until ready for processing.

UHC conforms to the exporting guidelines and policies of the hide industry set by the U.S. Hide, Skin & Leather Association (USHSLA). The USHSLA's booklet entitled "Standards Governing the Export of North American Cattle Hides" (August 2014) may be downloaded here.

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Copyright © 2012 Union Hide Company. All Rights Reserved.
2125 Oak Grove Rd., STE 121 - Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Phone: (925) 935-9550