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Original structure Mr. Kalman Gluck acquired in 1912. Within several months thereafter, American
Bag & Union Hide Company moved to the corner of Third & Harrison Streets.
The headquarters of American Bag and Union Hide Company from 1912 to 1988. Located at
the corner of Third & Harrison Streets. Photo taken in 1970.
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The headquarters of American Bag and Union Hide Company from 1912 to 1988. Located at
the corner of Third & Harrison Streets. Photo taken in 1986.
Old Union Hide Company building today. A registered historical landmark marker post is located at the corner where you can see president Kelly Meine standing with a client. Photo taken in 2005.
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The third-story of the original Third & Harrison Streets offices today as featured in the May 2001 edition of Sunset Magazine. The former govenor of California and the present mayor of Oakland, Jerry Brown, pruchased the property in 1988, restructuring it into lofts and the city preserved the building as a state registered historical landmark.
The current office location of Union Hide Company in Walnut Creek, California. Photo taken in 2001.
Copyright © 2012 Union Hide Company. All Rights Reserved.
2125 Oak Grove Rd., STE 121 - Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Phone: (925) 935-9550